Useful Numbers

Age Concern: 
Telephone service for older people, their families and other people working with them
0800 00 99 66
Care Line:
Telephone counselling service for the general public
020 8514 1177
Carers Line:
Advice and information for all carers
0808 808 7777
Help line for children and young people to age 18
0800 1111
Cruse Bereavement Care:
Help line for bereaved people and those caring for bereaved people
0870 167 1677
Offers advice, information and support to anyone concerned about their own
or someone else's drinking
0800 917 8282
24 hour help line for drug users and solvent mis-users, their families and carers
0800 77 66 00
Help the Aged - Senior Line:
Advice and information for older people
0808 800 6565
24 hour help line for children and young people or anyone concerned about a child or
young person at risk of abuse
0808 800 5000
National charity providing safe accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence
0808 808 9999
Shelter Line:
24 hour housing advice
0808 800 4444
The Samaritans:
24 hour confidential and emotional support help line for anyone in crisis
08457 90 90 90
Victim Support:
Help line offering emotional support and practical advice for anyone affected by crime
0845 30 30 900